Our key ingredients: North Shore berries

Our products are made from the distinct wild fruits of the North Shore.You will find daring flavours in our spreads, fondants and chocolaty bars.


— A small, wild cranberry that grows along the St-Lawrence River on Quebec's North Shore. Light and fresh tasting like the breeze of the boreal forest.

Seabuckthorn berry

— One of the most nutritious and vitamin-filled fruits. Its taste is reminiscent of orange and ripe peach, with a slight tangy taste of passion fruit.

Lowbush blueberry

— This “blue pearl” is very popular with Quebecers because of its unrivalled taste. When protecting itself from the cold, lowbush blueberry develops a thicker flesh and a stronger and sweeter taste than southern blueberry.

Wild cloudberry

— Shaped like a blackberry, but turns from red to orange when ripe. The cloudberry has a slightly acidulous taste, with fruity traces and a slight taste of apricot.

Bounty strawberry

— The taste of this North Shore berry resembles that of a wild strawberry. Besides a perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, its aroma is exceptional and enchanting.